Keep Your Tile Floors Looking New With Professional Cleaning

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Tile Floor Cleaning Services in Gainesville, FL & Orange City, FL. Tile flooring is a durable choice for kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas of the building that might get wet from time to time. With the proper care, tile flooring can look like new for years. We use basic tile flooring care, deep cleaning techniques to clean stained grout. These techniques are appropriate for both ceramic and faux tile flooring. However, we don't over clean or use too much soap, which can cause streaking or soap film on your tiles. If you're looking for professional tile floor cleaning services in Gainesville, FL and Orange City, FL, then look no further than Ultimate Cleaning Solution.

  • Should I Use a Chamois Mop or a Microfiber Mop to Clean a Tile Floor?

    Try a microfiber mop for better results picking up small particles when cleaning a tile floor.

  • Can I Use a Steam Mop on Tile?

    Yes, as long as the tile is sealed, you shouldn't have any issues. If your floor is not sealed, you might want to use something else to clean it, however. The steam created by steam mops can cause moisture-related issues.

  • How Do I Clean Paint Off of Tile?

    Paint thinner can be used. Test a small area with a q-tip before cleaning larger areas.

  • Why is the Grout in My Bathroom Getting Sticky?

    It could be the accumulation of oil and dirt from foot travel, or it could be a type of mildew. Try a degreasing cleaner, and see if that eliminates the issue.

  • How Do I Remove Wax From a Tile Floor in My Home?

    Put a paper towel over the wax and run a hot iron over the paper. The wax will melt and get sucked up into the paper. When you are done, simply discard the paper towel.

  • How Do I Clean a Bathroom Floor That Has Dirt Stuck in the Tiles?

    Try Gumption multi-purpose cleaner. I had the same problem with my kitchen tiles. I tried everything, but with Gumption they came out looking like new.

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